Research Activities and Achievements

The research at PES covers the thematically broad areas of power electronics and advanced mechatronics and is mainly oriented towards future applications in the fields of renewable energy utilization, digitalization, sustainable mobility and advanced industry automation/robotics. This translates into a large variety of converter/actuator types featuring ultra-high efficiency and/or extreme volumetric/gravimetric power density and lowest relative costs. Aiming at disruptive performance improvements, PES has defined overarching research thrusts, which are briefly described in the following along with selected key achievements.

Fields of Research  

Power Electronic Systems / Publications
Advanced Mechatronic Systems / Publications
Sustainable Systems / Publications

Research Thrusts

Selected Research Projects  

Sinusoidal Output VSD Buck-Boost Inverter Systems
3-Φ Current DC-Link AC/AC Converter Systems
1-Φ/3-Φ Rotor-Inertia-Based PPB Matrix Converter
Isolated 3-Φ Buck-Boost PFC Rectifier Systems
Monolithic Bidirectional GaN Switch Converter Systems
Ultra-High Bandwidth Switch-Mode GaN Power Amplifiers
Ultra-Compact Multi-Port DC/DC Converters
Deep-Sea AUV 6.5kV SiC Solid-State DC-Transformer
Pushing Power Through Stainless Steel Walls
Linear-Rotary Bearingless Actuators
Self-Bearing High-Speed Centrifuges
Ultra-High Speed FC Compressor System
Motor-Integrated Multi-Level Drive System
No-Touch Robotics
Position Sensing Through Stainless Steel Walls
High-CMRR/Bandwidth Isolated Measurement


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