How to Find Us


Physikstrasse 3
8092 Zürich
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By tram (from tram stop "Bahnhofstrasse/HB")

Tram no. 6 (direction „Zoo“) until stop “ETH/Universitätsspital” (journey time: approx. 6 minutes). Walk up „Schmelzbergstrasse“ to building ETL at Physikstrasse 3 (5 - 8 minutes walk).

By tram (from tram stop "Bahnhofplatz/HB")

Tram no. 10 (direction „Airport“ or „Oerlikon“) until stop „ETH/Universitätsspital” (journey time: approx. 6 minutes). Walk up „Schmelzbergstrasse“ to building ETL at Physikstrasse 3 (5 - 8 minutes walk).

You will require a ticket valid for zone 110 (City of Zurich).

By tram (from tram stop „Zurich Airport“)

Tram no. 10 (direction „Bahnhofplatz/HB“) until stop “ETH/Universitätsspital”. The tram runs every 7 to 15 minutes between 6 am and 11 pm (journey time: 30 minutes). Walk up „Schmelzbergstrasse“ to building ETL at Physikstrasse 3 (5 - 8 minutes walk).

By rail

If you wish to travel from the airport to the city centre (Central Station), you are recommended to use the S-Bahn or mainline services. The trains depart from „Zurich Airport“ station (journey time: approx. 10 minutes), see departure times at external pageZVV timetable.

You will require a ticket valid for 3 zones. If you are spending the whole day in Zurich, it is worth buying a day pass (valid for 24 hours).

By taxi

Price: from Zurich Airport to Physikstrasse 3 (entry via Bolleystrasse): approx. CHF 55.-

Access to ETZ Parking via Gloriastrasse 35 (DownloadSituation Plan (PDF, 397 KB)). Prices are CHF 2.-/h (07.00-17.00h) and CHF 1.50/h (17.00-07.00h), or CHF 14.00/day.

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